I love reading books 📖. Here are some reads that I recommend.

I like to read about technology, financial markets, history, and random life stuff. Here are a few books I recommend.

Currently Reading

  • Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

    I have a pretty tough time falling asleep at night, my brain doesn't shut off quickly and before I know it 1 to 2 hours has passed and I'm back to taking another melotonin. If this sounds familiar to you, I highly recomend this book. Matthew Walker has dedicated his life to studying sleep and has given suggestions that have already began working for me.

  • But How Do It Know by John Clark Scott

    If you're trying to understand computer architecture, I highly recommend this book. It takes a bottom up approach to helping you understand how a computer works. I really like how John Scott explains complex hardware conceptc with simple analogies.


  • The University of Berkshire Hathaway

  • The Intelligent Investor

  • The Psychology of Money

  • The Dhando Investor


  • Clean Code

  • C++ Best Practices

Everything Else

  • Homegoing

  • Maze Runner